So, what am I up to right now?
I’ve been reading Bullshit Jobs by David Graeber, which is a great read but when you realise you’re working a bullshit job it gets a bit depressing…
You can read it here, courtesy of the Anarchist Library:
(really this was just an excuse to try embedding a document for the first time!!)
I’ve been at work full time for 5 weeks, and just finished training. Work is exhausting, especially as someone who already has chronic fatigue, but my request for part time work (4 days per week) has been denied. I guess I’ll wait until I’ve been there longer than a month...?
My assistance dog Mischa was supposed to be allowed to come to work with me - approved by my manager via email - and then when I showed up with him on my first day back she then told me that he couldn’t come in as he wasn’t approved and I had to take him home. Work has been really great with me starting, then stopping for surgery, then starting again, which I’m grateful for (anyone else would’ve just let me go) but they are terrible at communication…
My cat has gone missing. She’s new to this area and is quite shy. I haven’t seen her for 3 weeks, and I’ve had 3 possible sightings but none confirmed. I’ve been following Scaredy Cats’s advice but still no luck so far.

What else? Not much really. Learnt some Bootstrap and am learning SASS, for a web dev class, but I much prefer coding things by hand, even if it’s more work. It feels more authentic that way, and you’re not relying on other people’s servers and bloated libraries.
Aside from that, it’s just Adult Full Time Working Life. Wake up, go to work for 8 hours, come home, have dinner, sleep, repeat. Weekends clean the house and buy food. Boring… why do we suffer under capitalism again?
very quick update: i found my cat, 1 month and 1 day after she went missing! she's skinny and hungry but otherwise ok!!
Well, I’ve started a new job — my first ‘real Adult’ job. Not in the industry that I
want to be in, but I’m going to university to study in that industry — veterinary medicine!
— in 2025, so this job will give me experience and more importantly, money!
In Feburary 2024, I finally got top surgery ! I never actually thought it
would happen, and yet here I am, 3 ½ weeks afterwards. I’m surprised at how natural it feels.
I’m still on leave from work at the moment, I’ll go back in a week or two. It’s not a
physical job, but I’m still getting pretty tired and sore at times.
I’m doing an online course — Certificate Ⅳ in Web Development. I’ve learnt a bit about grids and flexbox and floats, but honestly I mostly knew it all already. Which is good, because otherwise I’d be totally lost — the teacher seems to be one of those ‘learn to swim by throwing you into the deep end’ types, which might work for some, but not me! And the assignments are spaced only two or three days apart, which isn’t enough time for me. I think it’ll be hard when I go back to work…
Outside of work, study, and coding? Hmm. Well, I just took my dog to his first dog training class since he was a pup, and he did so much better than I expected! I’m very proud of him. (Note to self: pack more treats!)