Now (Now, Now)

So, what am I up to right now?

Well, I’ve started a new job — my first ‘real Adult’ job. Not in the industry that I want to be in, but I’m going to university to study in that industry — veterinary medicine! — in 2025, so this job will give me experience and more importantly, money!

In Feburary 2024, I finally got top surgery ! I never actually thought it would happen, and yet here I am, 3 ½ weeks afterwards. I’m surprised at how natural it feels. I’m still on leave from work at the moment, I’ll go back in a week or two. It’s not a physical job, but I’m still getting pretty tired and sore at times.

I’m doing an online course — Certificate Ⅳ in Web Development. I’ve learnt a bit about grids and flexbox and floats, but honestly I mostly knew it all already. Which is good, because otherwise I’d be totally lost — the teacher seems to be one of those ‘learn to swim by throwing you into the deep end’ types, which might work for some, but not me! And the assignments are spaced only two or three days apart, which isn’t enough time for me. I think it’ll be hard when I go back to work…

Outside of work, study, and coding? Hmm. Well, I just took my dog to his first dog training class since he was a pup, and he did so much better than I expected! I’m very proud of him. (Note to self: pack more treats!)

Inspired by NowNowNow. Updated: