
Gabriel Mac, 'My Penis, Myself: I Didn't Need a Penis to be a Man. But I Needed One to be Me', New York Magazine (2021)

Mad Gender Science - DIY transitioning

Making Queer History - queer archives

To Survive on this Shore - photos and interviews with transgender older adults

A Butch Archive - a collection of butch

CrimethInc's 'The Fight for Gender Self-Determination: Confronting the Assault on Trans People' (2022)

@VeggiePandie's DIY Fabric Packer

Intersex Justice Project's Intersex Resources for Medical Students

Bogi Takács' list of intersex books by intersex authors

Cat Graffam, 'The Rift Between Us - Intersex and Trans Discourse', Medium (2015)

Gender 2.0, a collection of writings on gender, Medium (2015-2017)

TransHub - a collection of resources for trans Australians

Andrea James' Transgender Map - a roadmap for transgender people (focused on trans women in the USA)

Transbucket - a site where transgender people upload photos of their surgery results

Transgender Teen Survival Guide - a blog full of trans resources (not just for teens!)

List of Australian queer community support services

Beyond Safewords: Kink at Pride and BDSM Information Page

Grackle's Place - a blog of trans & intersex resources, and LGBTI+ archives

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